Our products help analyze, design, optimize and deploy single or multi-die intelligent compute systems.
WeaverPro software components can be used standalone for architectural exploration and analysis, and to configure, optimize and design systems with WeaveIP. The performance analysis can run on actual workloads, and the software has SystemC and Python APIs to integrate with your development environment.
- Built-in accurate, high speed simulator
- Architecture and micro-architecture analysis and guidance
- Algorithmic optimization and QoS
- Correct by construction RTL generation
- Tiling and physically aware implementation planning
WeaveIP is a portfolio of products built on a common transport that is architected for efficiency and allows for creation of unified fabric solutions that are optimized for minimum power and silicon footprint without compromising performance, and deployed faster with clarity on achieving KPI targets.
- Advanced multi-level cache coherency with CHI and CXL
- High speed coherent and non-coherent AMBA 5 design
- Customizable protocol fabric for AI and more
- Multicast capability for advanced AI acceleration
- Reliability, Availability, Serviceability and runtime QoS